Letter from the President
Retreat to a cave?…not on your life! Christ commands that we go into the world to bring souls to Him. Training these souls is what St. John Vianney School is all about.
There is nothing “flashy” about what we do here. We maintain a solid Catholic curriculum based on the notion that all education leads to a deep sense of the Almighty. Daily duty, prayer, and hard work make up the driving force or catalyst, if you will, for shaping our students into good citizens of not only our Church, but also our country.
It is truly important to give children the education they need and deserve. The fundamentals of reading, writing, and arithmetic, so often lacking in today’s public schools are, of course, the cornerstones of education. But we offer much more than that. The children begin to learn Latin at the earliest grades by memorizing and singing traditional Latin hymns. This foundation is then followed in the later years through a systematic study of the language.
Boys in our school are given the opportunity to learn how to serve Our Lord in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and do so on a regular basis. Additionally, all students are invited to join the Junior Legion of Mary, which teaches the children to be apostolic Catholics. With pride and thanksgiving we operate under the chaplaincy of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter, which supplies our community with two full-time priests. Both priests maintain a powerful influence in our school by teaching Latin and Religion.
All grades receive solidly Catholic catechesis and students are prepared at the proper time for the reception of the sacraments. Through wholesome structure and discipline, we continually strive towards excellence in preparing our students for the future – a future in desperate need of strong Catholic men and women.
We ask your prayers and support for our school. Likewise, we ask for the prayers of our patron, St. John Vianney, who knew better than anyone that through our Blessed Mother our path is made most clear to Jesus Christ!
- John Zapletal